Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Summer Adventure 2013-Day 5

Today we left our hotel in New Columbia, PA and drove back into Williamsport.  We went to Susquehanna health, the local hospital where I will be applying for a residency position to meet with their coordinator.  We had a fantastic time and wound up taking a hospital tour, meeting some of the faculty, and learning a lot about the area!  We loved what we learned about the program and we were glad they were willing to accommodate us so well.  After we left the hospital, we went to a local downtown coffee house called Julie's Coffee, then headed over to talk to a real-estate agent about the housing market in the area.  Next, we struck out toward Philadelphia for my test on Wednesday.  We took a minute to stop at an antique place outside Williamsport called Olde Barn Antiques.  They had lots of typical antique store fare, but also a lot of farmhouse style furniture and related items.  We had lunch at a local Subway and took off for the big city.  We wound up having to get on a toll road for the first time on this trip (boo), but eventually we arrived at our hotel near the Philadelphia airport.  We were a little stressed from the city traffic, so we decided to order in Chinese for the evening.  Looking forward to getting my test over with tomorrow!

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